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Charities We Support

Charity Donation Initiative


At inMotion Flowers we recognise the importance of helping others in need, and we’ve made it our mission to give back to the community in any way we can. We’ve chosen The Sunflower Fund as the first beneficiary of our donations program. We’ll be sending them regular donations and creating awareness for their noble cause as they work tirelessly to improve the lives of others. Other charity organizations may be added to the program in the near future.

  • Charity Donation Initiative by inMotion Flowers

How It Works


inMotion Flowers will be donating R5.00 to The Sunflower Fund from every successful order we receive. So just by using our flower and gifting services, our customers are helping others in need. Our customers will also have the opportunity to make a donation to The Sunflower Fund before they check out, which will then automatically be added to their order total. We will then pass your donation together with ours, to The Sunflower Fund.


If you’d like to make a donation to one of our charities while placing an order for flowers or gifts, please go to the shopping cart page once you’ve added a product, then enter an amount in the “Donations” block at the bottom of your shopping cart page (to the left of the order total block) just before you proceed to the checkout. Select the charity you want to donate to from the drop down list and then click the “Add Donation” button. You should see your donation appear in your order total. You may now proceed to the checkout as usual.


The Charities We Support


The Sunflower Fund


The Sunflower Fund is responsible for the education and recruitment of bone marrow stem cell donors onto the South African Bone Marrow Registry in order to save the lives of patients suffering with life threatening blood disorders like leukaemia. Help protect future generations by giving patients hope for a longer and healthier life. Share a Little, Save a Life.



Bouquet of Hope


As an alternative way of supporting The Sunflower Fund, we’ve put together a special bouquet of flowers called the “Bouquet of Hope”. By purchasing this bouquet for a friend or loved one, we’ll donate R 30.00 from your purchase directly to The Sunflower Fund, so you’ll really be helping their cause in a big way. Click to view the Bouquet of Hope.


Donate Without Ordering


We’ve also made it possible for you to donate money to your favourite charity without purchasing anything from us. Just click the “Add Donation” button below, select the charity you want to support, enter an amount and then click the “Donate” button.  You will then be redirected to your shopping cart where you can proceed to checkout as usual.


Note: The minimum order amount on our shopping cart is R150.00, so you’ll either need to donate R150.00 or more, or make a smaller donation but order a product for R150.00 or more in addition to your donation. Unfortunately we can only fulfil orders for physical products at R150.00 + Delivery, as this is the minimum order value set by our partner florists.


Add Donation


How Else You Can Help


We know that times are tough and not everyone can afford to make a monetary donation, but you can still help create awareness for these awesome organizations and our initiative by liking, +1’ing, tweeting and sharing this page with your friends and family. Every bit helps... and we appreciate you helping us spread the word.


Recommend a Charity


If you know of a reputable charity doing great things in South Africa, that you think would be a great fit for our charity donation initiative, please feel free to suggest them to us. Send us their contact details and briefly explain why you think they should be included in our program.


Transparency & Reporting


To give you peace of mind that your donation actually gets to the charity you intended it to go to, we will be sending each of the charities a monthly report. This report will include our donations (the number of orders where payment was successful x R5.00), plus the various donations from our customers.


Customer Donations Report


The customer donations report will include your order number, the date and time your donation was made, your name and surname, the amount you donated, the name of the charity you donated to and the status of your order. This is so that you can contact the charity directly to find out if they received your donation. Reports will be sent in the first week of every month and payments will be made quarterly.


We will NOT disclose any personal information other than your name and surname. Your contact details such as email address, telephone number, address etc will not be passed onto the charity under any circumstances. By making a donation, you confirm that we may pass your name, surname and order number onto the charity organization.


If you’d like to be contacted by the charity, you may contact them directly and give them your contact details.


Refunds & Cancellations


If for any reason your order is refunded or cancelled, your donation will be refunded as well, and will not be paid or included in the report to the charity organization. Also, if we don’t receive payment for an order, no donation will be made to the charity and it won’t be included in the report.


Only orders where the customer successfully completed the payment process will be included in the report and counted as a donation.


If you’d like to know more about our charity initiative and how the donations are handled, please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have.


Thank you, we appreciate all the support.


The inMotion Flowers Team