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Florist in Bloemfontein

Send Flowers and Gifts to Bloemfontein


Sending fresh flowers, hampers and gifts to Bloemfontein, the city of roses or Mangaung as it is known in Sesotho, has never been easier! Simply click on one of the banners above, or select the appropriate category from the menu, pick one of our gorgeous flower arrangements, gift baskets or gifts, and have them delivered in Bloemfontein.


You’ll find bouquets, gift hampers and gifts suitable for a Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, a new baby, funeral, to show your appreciation, and much more... Our flowers and gifts are covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee, and can be delivered throughout Bloemfontein, and to most other towns and cities in the Free State and South Africa.


If you cannot find the perfect gift you are looking for, you can make up your own hamper! We now have our Custom Hamper option available for delivery in Bloemfontein, and if you still cannot find your goodies in the hamper list, send us an email with your requirements. This option is ideal for a student to snack on, husbands, grandparents or a colleague that would prefer a nice snack rather than flowers.


Featured Flowers & Gifts

Sending Flowers to Bloemfontein


Bloemfontein in the Free State aptly translates to “Fountain of Flowers” and is widely known as the “City of Roses” due to the abundance of roses in this region and the annual rose festival held here. Our flowers can be delivered the same day in Bloemfontein if ordered before 12:00pm, Monday-Friday (closed on weekends).


Sending Gifts & Hampers to Bloemfontein


Our hampers and gifts are available for next day delivery if ordered before 12:00pm. There are no hamper and gift deliveries on weekends though.


Florists in Bloemfontein


We have an extensive network of local florists in Bloemfontein and throughout South Africa, which means our flowers and gifts can be delivered to most areas in Bloemfontein, including but not limited to Helicon Heights, Heuwelsig, Bainsvlei, Kiepersol, Langenhoven Park, Brandwag, Fichardtpark, Navalsig, Fleurdal, Generaal De Wet, Hospitaalpark, Pellissier, Universitas, Westdene, Wilgehof, Willows, Langenhovenpark, Bayswater, Dan Pienaar, Naval Hill and more... with the exception of townships and rural areas.


Customer Testimonials



“I just wanted to say thanks for a superb service!

I placed an order on your website on Monday evening and it was delivered first thing this morning as requested - brilliant job!

Your website is great, it's clean and user friendly with a very easy payment section, refreshing to see after trawling through many South African florist websites. I will definitely use again and recommend!”



“Hi Brendon

My Mom loved the hamper - she was very impressed with the quality of the products in comparison with other hampers/flower arrangements i have ordered from other companies in the past.

I definitely will be dealing with your company again in the future.




To read more testimonials and reviews from our customers, click here.